So, I know it's about time. I am uploading a picture of the block that I'm working on for our guild challenge.
We use the same pattern for 12 months and change the position of the colours within the block leaving the direction of the half square triangles the same at all times. It should be interested. This is the first month. I got my 1/2 square triangles done yesterday and set up the first on. We all work on it at our own pace and see it when it is done. Should be fun.
I'm working alot over the next 2 weeks. No one to work on one of my x days off. This means that I get overtime but I'd rather not work it. I didn't see that there was much of a choice and said yes. One staff had surgery and another is having blood pressure issues so there are not alot of other choices.
Oh well, I guess I will get through it.
Hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day.
My hubby gave me a heart box of chocolates. I will eat them slowly. I am on a weight loss program. I've lost 16 pounds and 3 inches so far. That's since mid November. I see a nutritionist and she develops eating plans for me. The recipes are really good. I think that this is a Canadian company. It is called Simply for Life.
Well, I really need to sew a little before I go to work so I'll try to write more another day.
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.
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